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We advance by prayer.

Receive Prayer

We all need prayer

We all need prayer. Sometimes it is easier to ask for it than at other times. Use the easy online form below to submit your prayer request. There are three options for how to distribute your prayer request. It can be kept more private and only shared with our pastors. Another option is to send it to our Wednesday night prayer team that is always lifting people up in prayer. The last option is for it to be sent out on the Church Prayer Line, the most public option. You can also select all three!

Click the button to email Pastor Richard your prayer request.

Join the Prayer Line

Receive Prayer Requests

If you are interested in being notified of prayer requests through the Church Prayer Line, you can be added to the list by emailing Lynn Miller 

Prayer Gatherings

Sunday Night Prayer for Revival

Led by Bill Solomon

6:00 pm - 4th Floor of The Henry Building

Come pray that God would open our eyes and hearts to Jesus Christ and that He would reveal the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ in our church, community and world.

Wednesday Night Faith Formation: A Holy Pursuit Prayer Gathering

6:00 pm - Graham Chapel

We have a God who passionately pursues us and tells us to pursue him, and with hope of finding him. “Seek me…I will be found by you” (Jer 29:13). Come join us for prayer as we seek the Lord, offering him our love and praise and then laying our needs at His feet for our church, community, world, and individual lives. We meet in Graham Chapel 6:00 – 7:00 pm. Feel free to contact Richard White for more information:

Thursday Morning Prayer For Missionaries

Led by Bill Server

9:30 am - 1st Floor of The Henry Building

Come pray for the missionaries our church supports. We hear reports and pray for three missionaries each week.